Sep 14, 2012

Rock Holders

I've got some great problem solvers in the classroom this year. Their task was to construct a Rock Holder that an inventor had created to display the beautiful rocks found in their community. The Rock Holder needed to be stable, hold one rock, only use one piece of paper and be able to either stand on it's own or be held by one hand. The students had to create what they thought the inventor made. 

I wanted to see how they problem solved and attacked the task. They worked really hard and went right to work. I was watching to see how they persevered since we had been talking about what perseverance was in math and computer class. Here are the amazing Rock Holders some of them came up with. 

When I first designed this task, I thought they would just take the piece of paper and roll it up and put the rock on top. I never imaged they would have really used their imagination. For some, it wasn't a real  big challenge. I heard one say, "I make this all the time to carry my rocks" for her I guess it wasn't that difficult and she didn't really persevere but for others it was  challenge and I got to really see how they kept trying and trying. 

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