Nov 30, 2010

Tuff's Adventure with Flat Stanley

Tuff got to take Flat Stanley home. Tuff's cousin, Ethan came over and they got to play cars with Stanley.  Tuff showed Stanley all of his families' Christmas decorations. Stanley really liked the fire place with all the stockings hanging on it. Tuff said that his family are all cowboys and cowgirls.

Tuff also introduced Stanley to his sister, Dakota. Tuff was practicing his reading and he decided to read to Stanley. They were reading, "Scooby Doo and the Witching Hour" Stanley really liked seeing Tuff's room. Tuff didn't take a picture of it but he said Stanley really liked his chuck wagon bed. I guess you now know why Tuff said his family are like cowboys and cowgirls. They have cowboy stuff all around their house. Stanley found out that Tuff's grandpa is a very famous chuck wagon racer in Alberta. Tuff and Stanley also went sledding together. Flat Stanley got to play with Tuff's dogs,  Boots and Jed. We're glad Stanley came back in one piece. 

Tuff's Adventure with Flat Stanley on PhotoPeach

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